4K Projection with 33000 lumen DSP
Titan projector, LG displays, Extron control, Sony cameras, Renkus-Heinz speakers,
Allen and Heath console.
4K Projection with NEC projector, LG
displays, 4K Crestron Digital Media, .Sony Broadcast cameras, Ross
switchers. Renkus-Heinz and Bosch
steerable speakers, Midas console, Extron DSP'S, Dante networked audio,
Video Conference Center: 4K Sharp and LG displays, 4K Crestron
Digital Media, Bosch conferencing system, Cisco VTC codecs and cameras. |
Video Conference Center: multiple
conference rooms equipped with 4K Crestron Digital Media, Samsung
displays, BiAmp Audia, Cisco VTC codecs and cameras. |
Conference Center: Sony projection,
Panasonic flat screens, Crestron DM control systems, Clear One
audio. |
Giant Voice System - Acoustical
measurement and analysis, design and proof of performance |
Fiber Optic Distribution Network -
over 1200 nodes, 125 video channels, 60 High Definition channels,
750 displays, HD/SD distribution, fully supervised network |
HD upgrade with Sony projection, Sony
cameras, Crestron 16 x 16 and 32 x 32 routers, Crestron control,
Sony, Marshall HD broadcast monitors, ClearOne audio, Analog Way
switcher, Extron, Miranda processing
High Definition machine vision, video
safety and surveillance systems - explosion rated - blast resistant |
2K Christie projection on bulletproof
"snap glass", Extron 2K playback, Crestron control, lighting, and
show automation, Broadcast Pix switcher, Sony cameras, Midas audio
console |
HDTV Upgrade, including Miranda
128x128 HD router, Broadcast Pix Granite Switcher, Panasonic and
Marshall Monitors, Sony HD Cameras |
Classic distributed sound system featuring over 250 ElectroVoice
speakers, 10,000 watts of Crown amplification and Bi-Amp Audia
control for this ultra-modern health club. |
Conference facility, Audio Visual and VTC systems, and Broadcast
Systems for the Prince William County Public School Headquarters.
Twenty conference rooms with AMX control, Panasonic displays,
Tandberg VTC, Bi-Amp Audia and Nexia audio, Bosch Conference
systems, EV and Renkus Heinz speakers, Crown amplification.
Broadcast center with Pro-Bel routers, master control and
automation, Omnion servers, Echo switcher, Pixel Power and Avid CG,
Avid edit rooms, Sony SD cameras, Miranda monitoring with Panasonic
displays |
Conference facility, Television studio, Edit suite: New
Commission Hearing Room AV systems with Broadcast Pix
switchers, Panasonic Displays , Sony HD cameras, Bosch
conferencing and Bi-Amp Audia audio systems. Avid edit suite
and TV studio with Sony HD cameras. |
Bosch Dynacord paging systems installed campus wide and networked at
four separate location in the Washington DC area. New
Commission Hearing Room and main auditorium AV systems with
Broadcast Pix switchers, Panasonic Displays , Sony HD cameras,
BiAmp Audia audio systems |
Conference Facility Audio Visual and VTC system for the Office of
Naval Research. Fifteen HD displays managed by a sophisticated AMX
control system and Extron wide bandwidth routers provide the visual
imaging. Sony BRC300
cameras, Sony video switcher, ClearOne audio control, ElectroVoice
speakers and Crown amplifiers, used for AV production, web
streaming, VTC, and room sound reinforcement make up the equipment
package for this high technology meeting space. |

Performing Arts Sound Reinforcement system for the U.S. Army's
Old Guard at
Fort Myer, Virginia. This system was installed as part of a
major renovation to this Historic venue.
Kirkegaard Associates were
the Acoustical Consultants responsible for the major transformation
of what was once an indoor equestrian stadium into the Army's
principal Ceremonial Performance Center. The new sound system utilizes
fourteen large Renkus-Heinz, powered three-way cabinets, along with
twenty-four Tannoy V-8 loudspeakers, all flown from the grid.
A Soundcraft MH-3 console, Bi-Amp Audia DSP, Crown amplifiers, Shure
wireless microphones, Telex intercom, and a large compliment of signal processing
equipment make up the front end of the system. An extensive
cable plant utilizing low capacitance audio cable along with video,
Cat 5, and fiber optic lines was installed throughout the hall.
This plant both permits the hall to be used in a wide range of
configurations and supports the use of remote broadcast and
recording trucks.

New television studio, control room, edit suites, CCTV distribution,
and duplicating center for Walter Reed Army Hospital Television.
Sony switcher, Chyron graphics, Marshall monitors, Avid editors,
Panasonic Cameras, Mulitdyne Fiber Optics, Extron and Kramer
switchers make up the equipment complement for this replacement
facility. |
Building wide paging, public address, and theatre audio-visual
systems for this new museum built for the United States Marines.
We installed Electrovoice, Dynacord paging systems and EVID
distributed speakers for this venue. Twenty-four Intellivox line array speakers were used to compensate for the
high reverberation time of the imposing Central Gallery. The
museum is located on Interstate 95 at Quantico, Virginia.
Visit their web site at http://www.usmcmuseum.org/
to learn more
about this exciting project |
Renovation and SDI conversion of the NASA-TV production and
transmission facilities in Washington DC. Techniarts designed
and installed new Avid editing suites, a new graphics suite, a new,
all digital, studio control room, tape duplicating center, and a new
4 channel all digital master control center. Sony cameras ,
N'Vision production router and master control router, Ross switcher,
Chyron graphics, Marshall monitors, Wheatstone audio console,
Panasonic recorders and Forecast consoles were installed by
Techniarts for this project. Go to
to see the current program schedule for this broadcast service. |
Robert F. Kennedy Stadium
Techniarts is proud of its contribution to the renovation effort at
this historic venue. With the return of Major League Baseball
to Washington, DC, RFK Stadium was given a new lease on life.
Techniarts was hired by Turner Construction Company to provide a new
Upper Deck Public Address System, a new Public Address System in the
press boxes and a new broadcast cabling system throughout the
stadium. Thirty-three new Electro-Voice speaker clusters were
suspended from the stadium roof. Over 40 KW of Crown power was used
to drive the arrays. New broadcast truck pedestals and 24 new
camera junction boxes, all equipped for triax and coax video as well
as HDTV fiber were installed to support network television coverage.
Well over 1000 individual broadcast grade circuits were installed
and tested as part of this effort. The entire project was
completed by Techniarts is less that 90 days. |
Sound Reinforcement System for beautiful new ampitheatre located on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Galax, Virginia. Electrovoice QRX Series high, mid, and low frequency arrays supported by Polar Focus and ATM flying solutions as well as "Eventer" lifts. Driven by ElectroVoice 1200 and 3000 series power amplifiers. Go to
http://blueridgemusiccenter.org/ to view the current concert series.
New Technology After Action Review System, all digital, including thirty-two remote controlled cameras with over 750 hours on-line storage of 15 audio/video streams. Live monitoring of training activities along with instant replay and review, concurrent with recording all streams, is provided in the command center. Computer management of remote camera systems with campus wide network access and control provide multiple system access points for specialized monitoring. Acoustical design of training areas, noise masking systems, intercom systems and outdoor public address systems were also part of this comprehensive project.
Paging and Intercom Systems throughout all campus buildings, including the historic "Arlington Hall Station" building. A rooftop Giant Voice paging system provides for highly directional coverage of outdoor evacuation routes and assembly areas. The entire system utilizes hundreds of TOA T120, H2, and H3 speakers for the interior spaces, EV horns for the Giant Voice array, over 10,000 watts of power from EV amplifiers and individual 1/3 octave equalization of each zone.
An Electrovoice, Dynacord paging control manager is used to manage
the large multi-zone system. The equipment has been installed in such a way as to render its
presence largely invisible to the human eye, while its exceptional electro-acoustical performance sets the benchmark for systems of this type.
Upgrade of Auditorium A/V System, including new Sony video projectors and AMX Netlink control system.

As part of the renovation of the historic Robert F. Kennedy Building in Washington DC, the new seventh floor briefing and conference facility has been designated to serve as the site for the Attorney General's Press Conferences and for his live interviews with the major TV news media anchors.
This acoustically isolated art deco space has a balanced reverberation time and an NC 20 noise level. Continuous monitoring of these parameters by our engineers during the construction phase of the renovation insured that the completed facility met the original acoustical design objectives.
We equipped the space with a sophisticated sound reinforcement system, rear and plasma screen audio-visual projection system, broadcast audio system, digital television control room, and media distribution system.
The six channel sound reinforcement system uses the new ElectroVoice EVID speakers for both house and stage. Shure auto mixers, Gentner digital processing and Rane power amplifiers complete that system. Eight ceiling-mounted, Sennheiser shotgun microphones and a Mackie audio console are used for the broadcast audio feed. JVC projectors and Fujitsu plasma displays driven by Extron and Autopatch switchers and scalers are used for the projection system. A sophisticated AMX Netlink controller provides the user interface.
The digital TV control room features Grass Valley switching, Phillips router, Sony monitoring and tape recorders, Leitch digital recorder, Pinnacle CG and still store, and Leitch and Miranda distribution amplifiers and converters.
The extensive media routing distribution system allows for up to 12 broadcast pool and independent video feeds to be monitored simultaneously and routed via outbound fiber through the Washington AVOC to the broadcast networks.
Since its opening on October 1, 2001, the facility has been used on a daily basis for the Attorney General's nationally televised press conferences and for feature interviews on prime shows such as Nightline, CNN, the Charlie Rose Show, and America's Most Wanted.
This historic 2000 seat venue is one of the oldest buildings on the Marine Corps Training Center campus. Before Techniarts was called in for consultation, a new "control technology" sound system had been installed as part of a recent renovation. But the results pleased no one, proving that the laws of acoustical physics inevitably trump the fast changing visions of equipment manufacturers.
To meet the aesthetic and acoustical challenges presented by this hall, we designed our version of the classic Altec Lansing distributed ceiling system. The system uses ceiling-mounted Altec 920 speakers, with EV Sx100 speakers on the floor to achieve local precedence. EV P3000 and 9444B power amplifiers provide 4 killowatts of power. An ElectroVoice mixing console, equalizer, and wireless microphones complete the system. The results brought architectural space, sound system, and audience in harmony with each other.
Techniarts provided a Technology Assessment, Industry Survey, User Survey, Study, and Design Plan for conversion of the House of Representatives Broadcast Video systems to HDTV technology, including HDTV and SDTV broadcast feeds, file servers, Intranet, Internet, Web-Casting and DIgital Archiving. This project, for the House Office of Communications Media, was completed in association with Pelton, Marsh, Kinsella of Dallas Texas.
This study and comparative analysis of emerging digital video technologies versus existing 16mm, 35mm, and 70mm film technology for scientific and technical photography was conducted at the Eastern
Missle Test Range, Cape Canaveral. The results demonstrated the relative strengths and weaknesses of new imaging systems and traditional high speed motion picture film in capturing detailed information during the launch phase of rocket flight. |
This upgrade and replacement of DEA Headquarters Visual Information Facilities included video, graphics, data display systems, television production and teleconference systems, and sound reinforcement systems. New and upgraded systems utilize digital editing and projection, modern camera robotics, and a high degree of automation to deliver superior product with reduced manpower. |
Techniarts provided engineering and on-site construction supervision for an all digital television studio complex including: master control, engineering center, on-line edit and graphics center using Sony cameras, GVG and Sony switchers, GVG routing, Sony DVE, Chyron Infinite, Leitch still stores .
Replacement of the original (1960) secure facility wide sound communication and emergency paging systems with computer supervised Crown IEQ system. Installation, cutover, and deactivation of old system accomplished during operations with no interruption or down time.
multi-zone sound and communications system
TECHNIARTS, under contract to the U.S. Army, designed and installed a complete seven zone sound reinforcement system and a perimeter noise masking system in the Pentagon AOC in the weeks prior to Desert Storm. The substantial increase in facility usage brought about by Desert Shield revealed inherent weaknesses in the previously installed sound systems in the Command Center. Briefers in the CAB could not hear questions properly from the floor, and the duty officers could not hear the commanders in the CAB. Because of the high ambient noise and distances involved, duty officers had difficulty hearing each other. TECHNIARTS was called in to solve the problem. We designed a multi-zone system that allowed automatic, hands-free communication between all areas of the Center. Moreover, visitors in the VIP gallery could address duty officers on the floor without moving from their seats and duty officers could reply with ease. TECHNIARTS installed and tested the complex system without interruption or down time of any kind to on-going operations.
video command communications and control system.
TECHNIARTS, under contract to the Joint Armed Forces Inaugural Committee, designed and installed a complete, broadcast grade, video network for the security of the City of Washington during the Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies. Ten broadcast grade video cameras, many with special long lenses, were installed on roof tops and custom built camera towers along Pennsylvania Avenue between the U.S. Capitol and the White House. Video and audio at these secure positions were locally recorded and transmitted by TECHNIARTS through a complex network, using fiber optics, cable, microwave, and infrared laser, to the Forward Video Command Center adjacent to the Capitol Building. From the Command Center, switched and isolated feeds from all cameras were time-stamped, simultaneously recorded, and further distributed to the Military Operations and Plans Vans where military controllers could observe and direct needed activities. Incoming live broadcast, network feeds, and off-air signals were also displayed by TECHNIARTS in the Operations and Plans Vans. Communications with the camera positions was maintained with a TECHNIARTS furnished two way radio network and a land line telephone network. Audio and Video signals from the Forward Command Post were re-transmitted by TECHNIARTS to the special Military Command Center at the Washington Navy Yard where they were displayed by large screen projectors for the General Staff and the Command Center operations staff. Using the TECHNIARTS network one could observe every point along the Inaugural Parade Route without interruption and could simultaneously zoom into any single person or event that mandated close observation. Instantaneous tape playback from any camera or incoming line source was available at work station positions located both in the Forward Command Post and at the Military Command Center. TECHNIARTS was responsible for the design, integration, testing, successful operation and later de-installation of the network. TECHNIARTS supplied other major systems for the Inauguration, including the massive sound reinforcement system used for the Inaugural Ceremony and systems used for Inaugural Events such as the Youth Forum and Inaugural Ball.
Techniarts provided complete broadcast production facilities and personnel to produce "Telenoticias Marti", a daily one-half hour live news broadcast to Cuba. Techniarts provided Washington, D.C. based studios, transmission facilities, news bureau, and ENG crews, as well as a fully staffed Miami, Florida, bureau with satellite interconnect, and stringer bureaus around the world. Daily live feeds were obtained and downlinked by Techniarts from the Mideast, Moscow, and Central and South America. During the one and one-haf years that Techniarts provided the programming, Telenoticias Marti was viewed throughout Cuba and much of Latin America by direct downlink from GTE Spacenet. Although much press attention was given to jamming efforts by the Cuban Government, jamming directed at the USIA transmitter located in Florida, transmission from Spacenet was never jammed. The program, as produced by Techniarts, received critical acclaim from many Spanish language newspaper reviewers, who compared its quality to that of any major network newscast.
base-wide paging and alert system .
Located just a few hundred miles from the Soviet border, Misawa Air Force Base is our northernmost Air Force base in Japan. Several squadrons of fighter/interceptors are deployed at Misawa. The base itself is exceptionally large, covering 1400 acres. Weather in Misawa is severe with subzero temperatures and deep snow the norm from December to April. TECHNIARTS built a fail-safe, base-wide "Giant Voice" paging system that would allow the command post reliably to bring the base to an alert status. TECHNIARTS built a complete radio-controlled system that features a series of 50-foot speaker towers located throughout the base. Each tower contains a high power speaker array and a self-contained amplifier package. The amplifiers operate from AC line power with full battery back-up. The electronics and battery package are completely weatherized to stand up to the long winter. The speaker array and receiving antenna are mounted to withstand gale force winds. The system is controlled from either of two command posts. Operators can direct a page to any individual tower or to any combination of towers by entering the proper code on a touch tone keypad. Routine messages can therefore be directed away from non-essential areas. The system will reproduce speech, music, and alert tones. Signals can come from a live microphone, pre-recorded tape, or incoming telephone line. A portable control station may be taken in the field and used to access towers. For example, towers on the flight-line could be accessed from a Grand Stand for a flight show or towers in another area used to support a local exercise. As the base is enlarged, the system may be easily expanded by adding speaker towers in the new areas.
auditorium sound reinforcement system .
The Air War College 550-seat auditorium is the site of many classified lectures and briefings. TECHNIARTS designed and built a TEMPEST tested sound reinforcement system to service the needs of the auditorium's many users. A large central speaker cluster provides coverage of the audience seating area. Since many briefings involve question and answer sessions, over 150 seatback microphones are installed. An automatic mixing system controls level and balance regardless of the number of microphones used at any one time. A stage monitor system allows guests on stage to hear questions from the audience clearly. To accommodate guest lecturers with impaired hearing (a common problem among pilots who flew in combat) an infrared transmission system was installed which feeds the output of the sound system directly to a speaker's hearing device. Questions from the floor can then be heard comfortably. The system normally functions in an automatic mode. However, it may be switched to manual to accommodate lecturers whose voices are simply too loud, soft, or erratic for automatic tracking. The system is designed to be free of RF emissions. It has been tested for compliance with NSA requirements. It includes acoustical noise maskers for the auditorium perimeter and a security status panel to monitor the status of incoming and outgoing feeds.
high intensity performing arts sound system.
Eight speaker clusters arranged as a distributed line array serve this 10,000 seat arena. Forty Electro-Voice HP series constant directivity horns and 40 TL low frequency cabinets make up the clusters which have a combined weight of 10,000 pounds suspended from the 100 foot high Armory roof. Crown amplifiers provide 5,000 watts of power. A backstage system with over 130 speakers was also provided as part of the installation. |
audio systems for sound reinforcement, teleconferencing, and broadcast feeds.
Systems for the Washington Convention Center included sound reinforcement in 37 individual meeting rooms, zoned paging in two large exhibition halls and throughout the lobbies and corridors of the 800,000 square foot building, a ceiling distributed system for the 26,000 square foot meeting and banquet room, and two large central cluster systems for the 15,000 seat main hall. Principal equipment used in the system designed by TECHNIARTS included a Rupert Neve mixing desk, TOA amplification, and Electro-Voice speakers. The complete system contains over 30 racks and 3000 patch points located in three control rooms. The system required over 7,000 man hours to install on site after fabrication at TECHNIARTS and utilized over 300,000 feet of cabling to interconnect components throughout the building.
television production studio complex, consisting of two on-line edit suites, two off-line edit suites, a four-camera, 40x60 production studio, studio control room, audio suite, duplicating center, and master control. TECHNIARTS provided complete engineering and design services during the building construction phase and turnkey studio installation services to complete the project.
design and installation of a complete Betacam post-production suite for the ACS. The system consists of a CMX 340X edit controller interfaced to a Grass Valley 100 production switcher and three Betacam recorders for A/B editing. A Chyron RGU provides graphic capability.

conversion of a 40-foot Bluebird Wanderlodge into a mobile production facility for sophisticated field recording and playback purposes. TECHNIARTS equipped the truck with five-camera remote capability, allowing both switched and ISO recording to 3/4" videotape from all five cameras. We designed and supplied complete monitoring systems, isolated power, generator power, rooftop camera platform, and production communication throughout the vehicle
facility for highest level official U.S. Government briefings for the Washington Foreign Press Corps. System includes: 1) sound reinforcement system with 24 channel automatic mixing; 2) audio control room with Rupert Neve 16 X 4 audio console combined with extensive signal processing and distribution to handle numerous simultaneous incoming and outgoing signals through satellite and microwave feeds, dedicated land lines and dial up Telco; 3) television production and distribution control room with Grass Valley 100 switcher, 20 X 12 router, and BVU 800 tape recorders. This control room allows multi-camera television production from the briefing room and adjoining studios, and distribution and routing of numerous incoming and outgoing feeds through microwave, satellite and dedicated land lines. The facility is used for full interactive teleconferencing and broadcast program origination.
command communication sound system. Project encompassed design, installation, and ongoing maintenance of sound reinforcement systems for the war room, sound reinforcement and intercommunications systems between the general staff, the battle staff, and the operations and control center, and intercommunication between the display and projection staff.
audio system for sound reinforcement and recording. The main control room utilizes a Rupert Neve mixing console and Ampex ATR-100 recorders and is used in television and radio sound mixing. House sound reinforcement utilizes a central speaker cluster along with three zones of time delayed loudspeakers. A complex tie line and splitting system allows the sharing of microphone and mixed feeds between house sound, radio and television mix, and remote recording.
Coolidge Auditorium: audio recording system using Rupert Neve mixing console and custom distribution system for recording and radio broadcasting from the auditorium. Recording Laboratory: design of master control and recording laboratory system including five small and one medium production control room. Master control serves to interface the complete recording laboratory audio and video system with the other control rooms in the Library and with incoming and outgoing links via telco and fiber optics circuits. Recording Studio: electrical and acoustical design and installation of main recording control room and studios. System utilizes two Rupert Neve mixing consoles, Ampex and 3M 8-4-2-1 track recorders, AKG reverb, and JBL monitors. Public Audio-Video Listening Facility: complete design and custom fabrication of 80 X 20 eight level routing switcher with noise and crosstalk specifications exceeding those of any commercially available units at the time of construction. TECHNIARTS designed and installed 80 custom user positions and 20 (later expanded to thirty) audio-video source stations permitting the library to play virtually any recorded format from 78 RPM records utilizing any one of several response characteristics through all video and audio tape formats from eight track cassette to VHS and Beta Hi Fi. The P.A.V. facility was a complex installation requiring over two years to design and fabricate and one year to install.
complete radio broadcasting facility. TECHNIARTS was responsible for the total design and fabrication of the WDCU facility, including two control rooms utilizing BMX consoles, Ampex ATR-100 recorders and Technics SL-1100 turntable systems, one large studio, one announce booth, one news control room, engineering master control, shop and test facilities, STL link, and transmitter facilities.
on air and production studios. TECHNIARTS designed and fabricated the WAVA studios, including completed custom consoles, Technics SL-1100 turntable systems, Scully and Ampex recorders. The WAVA facility has been featured in Broadcasting Magazine.
(a division of TECHNIARTS) complete audio/video post production facilities. Our own facility features three control rooms with CMX computer control of audio and video recorders, Rupert Neve and Automated Processes mixing consoles, CDL and Grass Valley switchers, Chyron 4100EXB and SCRIBE, NEC DVE and Abekas A53D special effects. TECHNIARTS VIDEO was one of the first full stereo video post production facilities in the country.
complete design, testing and manufacture of the Passenger Emergency Reporting System and the Automatic Passenger Alarm and Evacuation Systems for all stations of the Washington D.C. subway system. These systems interface, by using high grade voice communications and manual and automatic switching and signaling, all subway kiosk stations, individual station communications rooms, and remote passenger call boxes located in all public areas, with Metro master control. The systems enable the reporting of fire and other emergencies throughout the subway system, whether detected through automatic sensors or by subway personnel, or by the general public. A complex priority system routes emergency signals to their proper destinations, analyzes the probability of false alarms, and will manually or, if circumstances dictate, automatically trigger the evacuation of any part or of all of the subway system. TECHNIARTS designed the system, tested it through several prototype stages, and manufactured to precision tolerance and high environmental standards over 800 individual subassemblies for installation in the system.
TECHNIARTS regularly designs and builds facilities for briefing and conference rooms and auditoriums. Systems are generally equipped with
video projection, plasma displays, multiple-microphone, automatic mixing systems, teleconferencing subsystems, recording and sound reinforcement subsystems, audio-visual and projection systems, and television production systems.
Installations include:
Federal Office Building, Forth
Worth - six conference rooms
San Francisco Financial Center
- conference center
Department of Justice -
Briefing Center
McGuire AFB - Briefing Center
Marine Corps University -
auditorium video projection system
Library of Congress - two auditoriums and one conference room
National Institute of Health - nine conference rooms, one auditorium, and two teleconferencing rooms
Army War College - briefing room and auditorium with 225 microphone seatback system
Army Industrial College - auditorium with 150 microphone seatback system
Pentagon - several conference and briefing rooms
Fort Lee - command conference facility
Walter Reed Army Hospital - auditorium tele-production system
Aberdeen Proving Ground - high intensity paging and warning system
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences - three auditoriums with sound reinforcement and multi-screen audiovisual projection systems
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TECHNIARTS provides temporary sound systems for major national events. These systems encompass (l) sound reinforcement for audiences of up to one million, (2) recording and mix, (3) broadcast and distribution for all media, including net pool.
Major events include:
-The Inaugurations of President Bill Clinton
-The Inauguration of President George Bush
-The Inaugurations of President Ronald Reagan
-The Washington Summit between President Reagan and Premier Gorbachev
-The Visit of the Pope to Des Moines, Iowa
-The Bicentennial Celebration at Yorktown
-The Presidential Campaign in Panama
-Numerous Network Television Specials
TECHNIARTS designs, fabricates, and installs audio/video systems where a high degree of security is required. Secure systems are designed to red/black and tempest specifications.